FedEx: Blank Labels Printing

Uptime Impact: 34 minutes and 27 seconds

We've now resolved the incident. Thanks for your patience.

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Our developers have now resolved the FedEx blank label issue. Any newly booked orders should print fine, and any previous blank labels will be accessible and printable via the FedEx portal, or, these can be rebooked within Shiptheory. If you choose to rebook, you'll want to make sure the original bookings are cancelled within FedEx. Please let us know if you have continued issues from there.

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Some customers may be experiencing issues with FedEx labels currently coming out blank. This is something we're aware of and are working to resolve with the utmost urgency, and we'll update you as soon as we have some more information. In the meantime we recommend temporarily holding back on booking FedEx orders through Shiptheory.

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