FedEx: Shipments unable to send

Uptime Impact: 2 hours, 57 minutes, and 28 seconds

FedEx have reported the issue is resolved. Please rebook any failed orders. If you have any further issues, please contact Support.

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FedEx have reported the issue is resolved. Please rebook any failed orders. If you have any further issues, please contact Support.

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FedEx have confirmed the issue is on their end:

"There is currently a reported issue which is affecting all FedEx automation solutions where the new domestic services are not being recognised as valid service types"

They are working on the solution presently.

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Some customers have reported issues shipping with FedEx. The error returned is "Courier Service X is not allowed for this shipment." We have reached out to FedEx and will continue investigating. We will update this banner when we know more.

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